Mencoba Software dengan Aman dan Membuat Aplikasi Portable

Aplikasi ini mungkin berguna untuk mengetes program di lingkungan virtual tanpa perlu menginstalnya langsung dalam lingkungan asli sistem operasi Anda. Bagi Anda yang suka coba-coba program/software baru mungkin menjadi solusi yang praktis dan aman, tanpa khawatir sistem Windows Anda menjadi bermasalah.

Evalazer, yaitu sebuah program freeware yang dapat mem-virtualisasi aplikasi dilingkungan Windows. Teknologi virtualisasi ini memungkinkan pengoperasian beberapa aplikasi pada sistem yang sama. Jadi, misalnya program Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8 dan 9 secara bersamaan dapat beroperasi pada sebuah sistem. Aplikasi 'tua' dapat digunakan lagi pada sistem operasi baru dan modern, dan aplikasi virtual yang portabel.. Evalazer dapat Anda download disini

Berikut ini deskripsi tentang Evalazer

Evalazer is a solution for application virtualization

Evalazer is a reliable application designed to enable you to run applications without the need to install them. Evalaze generates a sandbox on the host PC that makes applications run in their own environment - independent from the underlying operating system.

The sandbox contains an own registry and file system environment - the application will perform changes only to the sandbox and not to the underlying operating system. It enables you a Software Distribution without the need to install applications locally by running the application only in the virtual environment without any effects to the underlying operating system.

Evalaze Features

-Because of the innovative technology of the Application Virtualization the application completely runs in a sandbox. Therefore it is possible to separate the application from the operating system and other applications.
-The Evalazer has a helpful wizard, which guides you through every step of the solution.
-Application virtualization across all platforms for Windows 2000, XP and Windows 7
-Supports 32bit applications on 64bit systems
-Use your legacy 16bit applications on your 32bit systems!
-Keep your systems clean and protect them from bugy programmed applications and installation mistakes
-The virtual application runs in user-mode. Therefore you do not need administrative rights, drivers, an installed client or a server.
-Every virtualized application runs in an own environment. When other parts of the application are started they all run in the same virtual environment.
-You can customize the start screen to your needs. Ideal for ISV!

Make your applications and games cross-platform portable.

Untuk dapat menggunakan Evalazer diperlukan Microsoft .Net 2.0 (atau yang lebih tinggi)
download Microsoft .Net framework atau disini

Aplikasi virtualisasi yang sejenis dengan Evalazer dan juga gratis adalah Cameyo

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